We first visited in November 2005. See Jeremy's report, below.
In April 2006, we had another splendid meal at Cinnamon, Waterlooville, with subtle flavours -
nothing heavily spiced at all - and including kulchi lamb and aire fish. Thank you very much to
John and Fiona for setting the evening up, and for the drivers who got us there. Also a great
turnout, with 20 sitting down to dinner.
Waterlooville. There's lots of parking at the back of the restaurant.
The drivers picked us up from Foggys (Petersfield).
023 9223 0181
April 2006: Many members confirmed by e-mails - this really helped to predict numbers - which
is important when there are so many of us.
There were some photos but these seem to have gone astray in the calamity which afflicted
my PC four days after the meeting. Which, by the way is why the web site wasn't updated
until the 4th of May.
Cinnamon - Waterlooville - 9th November 2005
Review by Jeremy
In fairness, this was an expedition into unknown territory, and not an easy place to get to without a
car, due to its location in Waterlooville. All those Curry Club members that felt that justified not
going, you couldn't have made a bigger mistake.
Drinks at Foggy’s were followed by a lift from several members to the Cinnamon in Waterlooville.
This is John and Fi’s local curry house and only recently opened. Décor was clean with no flock
wallpaper evident anywhere.
The lucky nine of us that turned up were unaware of the treat we were about to experience.
Cinnamon had been asked to impress John and Fi’s fellow Curry Club members and they didn't
embarrass them in the slightest. On the contrary, it was the rest of us that ended up slightly shame-
faced as we could not do it justice.
Poppadoms were no hint what so ever to the rest of the meal, and even a second course of spiced
chicken wings left us happy with the restaurant and prepared to go back again. But…
What followed could only be described as a banquet (in fact it was food typically served at an Indian
wedding) with the tables groaning under the weight of the food served, and our waist bands
followed suit. There were three main dishes accompanied by paprika spiced potatoes and a dish
made with Brussels sprouts that drew a laugh or two until tasted. No rice in sight.
The chicken platter was light and full of flavour, marinated breasts of chicken served on a platter of
shredded lettuce. The second was a firm favourite of the Curry Club, Kulchi leg of lamb that had
been cooking since 11 that morning and simply fell apart off the bone. The final dish was a real
treat, white meat fresh water fish from India called an “Andhra” fish by Jay (the waiter). The debate
is still ongoing as to whether it reminded us more of Sea Bass or Hake, but it was a big fish
stretched across a platter and swimming in a sauce that was delicious.
The desert had the same effect as Marmite, you either loved it or hated it, but it was a special dish
of pulped pistachio nut and sweet cream.
The happy band all agreed that a return is in order and definitely in greater numbers than the nine
who went. All I can say is "ask them"; they will convince you to try this out of the way restaurant that
was well worth the visit.
Well done John and Fi – you have found a jewel!
(Curry Club meeting)
Will writes: 
First rule to observe when you’re going out for the evening: Know where you’re going.
Wednesday I failed this essential criteria, our party of three should’ve been sipping aperitifs
between 7-7.30, instead we, or rather I (in attempt to save face) were absconding stray locals
asking directions to Cinnamon Indian restaurant. Man With Macdonalds Happy Meal To The
Rescue! Turned out the PLACE is on London Road, at the end of Waterlooville’s main shopping
precinct (if that’s no too grand a description). A relatively new arrival, wouldn’t have been
there when last I visited, for a Pirate themed Party at Macdonalds – the irony! Back to the
future, space is smartly upholstered, carpeted, quiet and roomy, ideal place for lounge lizards.
SERVICE was subdued and unfussy, perfect. FOOD? ‘Expect the unexpected’ announced the
menu! Poppadoms worth a passing comment for viscous mint yoghurt, Starters; top marks for
onion bhajis, my Boti kebab could have been seasoned better but was complemented well by
onion chutney, so far so good but nothing out of the ordinary. The Mains changed all that.
Best array of curry’s I’ve sampled in the Petersfield-Pompey area – ‘Kodu’, Blood red, Madras
strength Chicken dish with spicy pumpkin, onions, garlic, green chilli and coriander,
‘Chasnidargh’, similar to an Achari but with gentle sweetness of honey and an accent of
vinegar, ‘Jaradaloo’, Parsee dish served on formal occasions, arranged marriage banquets (!),
gave strong flavours of caradamom and coriander seed, a new taste to seasoned curry loving
lips. Each of these delights cost £6.95, with Veg sides at £3.50, rice in the £2 range PRICES
equal value for money. In SUMMARY I award the restaurant 4 because it is fractionally better
than anywhere I've reviewed locally, Thank you and Good Night.
…ON RETURNING… (04/07)
On the eve of England’s clash with Bangladesh in the cricket world cup.
Enjoyed plenty of banter with the genial waiters over possible outcomes (surely there can be
only one?). Restaurant sadly empty but this allowed for army friend Tim and I to have a long
laid back evening. 2 long sausage shaped sheek kebabs to start, succulent in the extreme,
flavoured with mint and coriander leaf. Main course was Chicken Haandy Massala, unique
combination of green cardamom, cloves lingered long and bitter sweet. Pilau rice fragrant
enough to be enjoyed on its own. Aloo Gobi Methi, perfectly cooked, dry vegetable dish
without any excess cooking fat. Accompanying Roti good as is the house white wine. The
restaurant merits 4 stars.
Travel details:
No station locally. Nearest may be ?Bedhampton