How to join
There are no qualifications but if you don't like curry, never drink beer or wine, and don't want to meet people, this is probably not the group for you. 
For many years we ran very successfully with excellent meals and wide choices on the basis of £15 a head for food. This is no longer possible due to food price inflation and increased costs for all our restaurants. Typically an evening now costs £20 - £25 for the food, and then the cost of drink will depend on the average thirstiness of the group multiplied by the numbers of Cobra beers and bottles of house red (white wine drinkers are also welcome).
We used to use a kitty system from 19:00 (official start of aperitifs) where we collected (usually) £10 a head from those that were drinking.  This was used to pay for rounds in the pub and the remaining cash was used towards the drink on the restaurant bill.  Drivers and other abstainers settled their own drinks bill(s). Sadly this system no longer works - fewer pubs are accepting cash, fewer members are carrying it, and one person could end up with a big pile of banknotes. Instead we ask everyone to sort out their own drinks or rounds for groups. 
To link up with us, please use the feedback form to make contact; I sometimes disable various e-mail accounts when the weight of spam becomes too much to bear, so this is more reliable.
or send an e-mail to the
Updated 06 Jun 2023

  © 1999-2023 Petersfield Curry Club