Magna Tandoori - Bognor Regis
Will writes:
Magna Tandoori - Bognor Regis – Fareham 
How many waiters does it take to serve 1 diner in an otherwise empty restaurant? 4 at the
Magna Tandoori. 3 were hanging out in their casuals as I entered for lunch at 12.10, still
had to ask for a table! 2 disappeared to do laundry, trampled past arms full of fabric while I
awaited my order.
The one who'd drawn the short straw and actually had to serve made it up as he went
along. Handed me menu first, jug of tap water next (no glass), Bombay Mix third, then ice
added to tap water (still no glass), ordered one to accompany my Chicken Tikka Makani, Mix
Vegetable Bhajee and boiled rice.
PLACE is smart, lime green, maroon, fine high backed chairs, neat square tables, is flagship
(too grand a word I'm afraid but given seaside location it'll have to do) of 3 restaurants,
recommended in Cobra Good Curry guide 2003. On short visit Magna Tandoori 2007 wouldn't
get my vote. SERVICE was crap. After my meal arrived through the kitchen door with a
clunk, curry served in a glass dish, side in an oil slick, waiter disappeared with rucksack on
back (containing dirty pants, socks?). When it came to pay, well I needn't have bothered,
ignored by staff on phone to dry cleaners…but I waited patiently, feeling increasingly like a
Bill only £10 a la carte - 3 items - plus Chicken Tikka Makani was caramel rich in juicy
butter, coriander and green chilli tingling on the tongue. FOOD, notwithstanding Veg better
than service. In SUMMARY though, unless you've local knowledge bring a sandwich on day
trips to Bognor or have Fish n' Chips.